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Tuesday 15 May 2018

Crafter’s Companion Dimensionals Dies

Hi Everyone,

As promised here is a quick tutorial for the mechanism of how the four seasons star book is made. I’m sorry I can’t do a full tutorial or video for the whole thing but there are only so many hours in the day and with 6 month old twin boys those hours are fewer than ever! Hopefully this will help you all make the basic card and then you can decorate, ink, and play to your hearts content. There is a tutorial on the dvd to make the 3D card with one of the other dies so if you find it easier to follow a video rather than written instructions check that out as well. Enjoy!

To make a single 3D card: (You will need to make 4 of these)

1. Cut a piece of sturdy white card to measure 5 x 10 inches and a piece measuring 5 x 5 1/2 inches (I used Sheena Stamping Card which is 300gsm)

2. On the bigger piece draw a pencil line across the centre (5inches) and a diagonal line from the left of the centre line to the bottom right corner.

3. On the smaller piece score a line at 1/2 inch with the shortest side to the edge of your scoreboard. This will create a 5 inch square with a 1/2 inch flap which will attach to the other piece later - don’t stick it yet, it needs to fit through your diecutting machine!

4. Score and fold the diagonal pencil line and erase the line. Leave the centre line - do not score yet.

Now create your backgrounds using whichever mediums you like. I used a combination of aqua markers and distress oxides but you could use any medium that will take easily to your card stock. Remember that the smaller piece of card is also sky and the flap is at the bottom so try to make it match your other piece.

5. Once your backgrounds are complete line up the house concept die on the pencil line using the notches at the side of the die to help, making sure your die doesn’t cross the diagonal fold. Run through your die cutting machine.

6. Now score the remaining outside edges of the pencil line either side of the house and fold to create the pop out effect. (The right hand end of the card leaves a very thin strip that may bend as you fold the house, don’t worry, I reinforced this with fence on the front and you will be sticking more card around the back to strengthen also so this will be hidden.)

7. Lastly, adhere your smaller panel to the left hand side of the long piece against the bottom square. You will now have an L shaped card blank. Push the diagonal fold up inside the card and you will see how the mechanism works.

Now decorate your house and garden. Once all your decoration is complete leave to dry completely, preferably overnight. Remember not to make your decoration too bulky or your book will struggle to close and as you stick down elements on the house keep folding so it will all bend with the card and close properly.

8. To finish the 3D effect cut a piece of thinner card stock to 12x5 inches, I used the 12x12 plain matt card stock sold with the launch. Try to use a colour which compliments the background eg if you have blue sky use blue card, for the sunset use orange or yellow. Score in half.

9. Stand up both sides of the card to create the 3D effect. Wrap the card around the outside - this will keep the ‘walls’ of your card in place. Stick with a strong glue like tacky glue one side at a time. Trim away the excess on either end so you have a perfect fit.

10. Last of all, cut a 5x5 inch square of the same coloured card, score diagonally down the centre and cut down either side of the score line. Stick these triangles to the base of your card to cover any gaps from the house being cut out and neaten it up. Make sure the fold is not covered. Fold and unfold your card a few times to get the mechanism working properly.

And there you have it, one card finished. Make 3 more so you have 4 in total and then stand them in a square in the order you would like them in your book. I went with Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter. Starting with Spring stick the right hand side of spring to the left hand side of summer, the right hand side of summer to the left hand side of autumn, and the right hand side of autumn to the left hand side of winter. (Don’t stick Winter to Spring unless you don’t want your card book to fold up.) Fold up each card in turn until your  book is flat (it will be quite thick.) Now stick another piece of 12x5 card around the outside and trim, this is your cover. When adhering your cover make sure you open out the card so you know you have left enough space for the spine of the book to move, a slightly slower drying wet glue is helpful if you want to have extra wiggle time although I had no problems using the tacky glue. Cut 4 pieces of ribbon from the accessories set to 12-18 inches (you need to be able to tie them easily) and stick to the top and bottom of your book on both sides.  Decorate the cover making sure to cover the ends of the ribbon ties and there you go, a four seasons star book! There are some close up photographs of each season below to help you.

I hope this helps, be sure to post your photos on the Facebook page when you’ve finished, I would love to see them.

Take care
Becky x